Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oregon teen Kipp Rusty Walker, 19, stabs himself to death at Strictly Organic Coffee open mic nite among cheers from the crowd

This is a pretty sad tale of a broken life. I don’t know what was this kid’s story, but I could definitely say he didn’t have God in his life. Faith in a higher power definitely matters esepcially during the tough times.

Daily Mail reports that a troubled 19-year-old stabbed himself to death on stage at an open mic night after playing a song called Sorry For All the Mess.

Kipp Rusty Walker repeatedly plunged the six-inch blade into his chest as the audience clapped and cheered in the mistaken belief it was piece of performance art. But when he collapsed in a pool of his own blood they started screaming in horror and rushed to help him, but his wounds were too severe and he died soon after.

The bizarre suicide has left the community of Bend in Oregon stunned and wondering why he would end his life in such a public way. But questions will be asked of mental health authorities after it emerged that Walker had told friends of his plan and had threatened to kill himself before.
On that occasion he had been taken in for treatment but was released back into the community.

Walker took his own life at the Strictly Organic Coffee Company
in front of around 15 people during its open mic night. He got up on stage and performed the number on the keyboard before killing himself.
He was taken to hospital but died shortly after.
Strictly Organic's co-owner Rhonda Ealy told TV news station KTVZ of the confused reaction among the audience as the horror unfolded.

More details here

A 19 year old doesn’t know a damn thing about life. This guy was barely out of diapers as far as I’m concerned. Those of you who’ve raised teenagers knows exactly what I’m talking about. They think they know every damn thing when they don’t know shit.

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