Sunday, April 17, 2011

Leftist (aka Obama’s base) Freakout at Oregon Tea Party Rally

The Leftists that showed up at this Oregon Tea Party are most likely public sector union members that want to continue sucking the public tit.

These are the malcontents, the haters of traditional values that probably passed a bong around after the rally was over. These are Obama supporters—lice infected potheads that wouldn’t know a hard day’s work without asking a Mexican illegal.

The Blaze reports that going into the tax day rally in Portland, local Tea Party organizers had concerns about security:

Oregon Tea Party members are taking a pledge of nonviolence for Friday afternoon’s Portland-area tax day rallies. Party officials said they feared “union supporters” might try to stir up trouble at the rallies in Pioneer Courthouse Square and in other parts of the city on the day federal income taxes are traditionally due.

Those concerns were clearly unfounded because the progressive protesters who showed up were the epitome of decorum. Oh, wait. Then there is this video. The easily offended should not click

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