Anne Hathaway, recent Oscar nominee is becoming a cartoon for the 2nd time, taping a guest spot on "Family Guy" for a future episode. She has already done a "Simpsons" guest spot, playing a girl Bart falls for in an episode scheduled to air April 19, 2009.
Anne Hathaway's now done a cameo on FOX's other animated stalwart. Life & Style reported earlier this week that Anne Hathaway, who earned an Oscar nod this year for "Rachel Getting Married," popped into the FOX lot recently to record her scene, and we were able to get a few details on her appearance.
A network rep says Anne Hathaway'll be playing herself on the show, and the story has Anne Hathaway's presenting an Oscar (to whom, we're not sure). Given the long production schedule for animated shows, it's likely that Hathaway's cameo wouldn't air until next season.
Anne Hathaway outed herself as a "Family Guy" and "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" fan on the Oscar red carpet -- "any animated television series that's geared toward a 13-year-old boy, I'm into it," she said, setting countless fanboys' hearts aflutter.
Anne Hathaway next non-animated role will be in Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland." Anne Hathaway also just signed on to play Judy Garland in the biopic "Get Happy."
Anne Hathaway, recent Oscar nominee is becoming a cartoon for the 2nd time, taping a guest spot on "Family Guy" for a future episode. She has already done a "Simpsons" guest spot, playing a girl Bart falls for in an episode scheduled to air April 19, 2009.
Anne Hathaway's now done a cameo on FOX's other animated stalwart. Life & Style reported earlier this week that Anne Hathaway, who earned an Oscar nod this year for "Rachel Getting Married," popped into the FOX lot recently to record her scene, and we were able to get a few details on her appearance.
A network rep says Anne Hathaway'll be playing herself on the show, and the story has Anne Hathaway's presenting an Oscar (to whom, we're not sure). Given the long production schedule for animated shows, it's likely that Hathaway's cameo wouldn't air until next season.
Anne Hathaway outed herself as a "Family Guy" and "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" fan on the Oscar red carpet -- "any animated television series that's geared toward a 13-year-old boy, I'm into it," she said, setting countless fanboys' hearts aflutter.
Anne Hathaway next non-animated role will be in Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland." Anne Hathaway also just signed on to play Judy Garland in the biopic "Get Happy."
Para empezar el fin de semana con una sonrisa muy picara y pasarla bien, cámaras escondidas que se producen en países Europeos, especialmente en Rusia y no todos los días se ve esto en el Gym, en el súper, en el museo de cera, mejor véanlo y ustedes juzguen.
Estamos algo ansiosos tras la noticia de que nuevamente Manolo García Visitara México y por esta gran sensación que nos embriaga de felicidad y la quiero compartir con la gente que gustamos de este grupo, con esta canción que se promociono en una estación de radio en el Distrito Federal, Alfa 91.3 que aunque aquí en México no fue tan comercial. Pero algo que si puedo decir es que soy uno de los pocos que fuimos en 1992 a un concierto de EUDLF en el auditorio nacional y al lunario 1997 y como debe ser estamos comenzando a ahorrar y en espera de las fechas y la confirmación de ciudades para ver si estamos en la posibilidad de asistir a todos sus conciertos aquí en tierra azteca y mantenerlos informados a los que están del otro lado del charco y ya con el pedido de la caja de grabaciones completas, que un amigo nos hará el favor de traernos de España.
CD promocional fabricado en Holanda. mp3 / 192kbps / 15.75mb
1. COMO UN BURRO AMARRADO EN LA PUERTA DEL BAILE (Editorial Can S.L.) Música: Manolo García y Quimi Portet - Letra: Manolo García Extraído de Astronomía razonable.
2. COSAS QUE PASAN Música: Manolo García y Quimi Portet - Letra: Manolo García Extraído de Astronomía razonable.
3. DEL TEMPLO A LA TABERNA Música y letra: Quimi Portet y Manolo García Extraído de Nuevo pequeño catálogo de seres y estares Download (Recuerda adquirirlo en tu tienda favorita).
Anne Hathaway and Rachel Getting Married movie still more be talking as below:
Poker Face
Did anyone see this Anne Hathaway movie?
The movie Rachel Getting Married? I know it was like limited release so just curious if its any good? I'm thinking about ordering it on Neflix. Any other reccomendations for movies i can get on Neflix?
No dumb ***...its not Bridge Wars. Its called Rachel Getting Married.
by Maricor A
It's not an easy movie to watch. I just saw it (Anne Hathaway Film "Rachel Getting Married") yesterday. It tackles sibling issues, but it has more than just that. It may seem like it is light and easy and I thought initially it might be a bit of a funny or witty movie. It was rather the opposite. Lots of really raw emotion. Almost painful. If you like brooding indy movies. This is it.
Ty i will consider that!
by Hippie19...
Rachel Getting Married (Anne Hathaway Film) was really good. You should order Milk--also another Oscar nominated film.
by Chish97
Yeah, i've seen that movie (Anne Hatahway film "Rachel Getting Married"), plus, it's called Bride wars, it's hilarious. You should see it!!
Anne Hathaway and Rachel Getting Married movie still more be talking as below:
Poker Face
Did anyone see this Anne Hathaway movie?
The movie Rachel Getting Married? I know it was like limited release so just curious if its any good? I'm thinking about ordering it on Neflix. Any other reccomendations for movies i can get on Neflix?
No dumb ***...its not Bridge Wars. Its called Rachel Getting Married.
by Maricor A
It's not an easy movie to watch. I just saw it (Anne Hathaway Film "Rachel Getting Married") yesterday. It tackles sibling issues, but it has more than just that. It may seem like it is light and easy and I thought initially it might be a bit of a funny or witty movie. It was rather the opposite. Lots of really raw emotion. Almost painful. If you like brooding indy movies. This is it.
Ty i will consider that!
by Hippie19...
Rachel Getting Married (Anne Hathaway Film) was really good. You should order Milk--also another Oscar nominated film.
by Chish97
Yeah, i've seen that movie (Anne Hatahway film "Rachel Getting Married"), plus, it's called Bride wars, it's hilarious. You should see it!!
Anne Hathaway She appeared in The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement as Mia Thermopolis.
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement is the 2004 sequel to 2001's The Princess Diaries.
Anne Hathaway's mother and director Garry Marshall have brief appearances in the film. Hathaway's mother was the leader of the chorus singing at Mia's wedding while Marshall was the middle drummer (the one on the left) in the coronation scene.
Most of the cast returned from the first film, most notably Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews, Héctor Elizondo, and Heather Matarazzo return to portray their characters from the first Princess Diaries film, Princess Mia Thermopolis, Queen Clarisse Renaldi, Joe (Mia's bodyguard) and Lilly Moscovitz, respectively. Garry Marshall returned to direct and Debra Martin Chase to produce the sequel.
New characters include Viscount Mabrey (John Rhys-Davies), Lord Nicholas Devereaux (Chris Pine, in his film debut) and Andrew Jacoby (Callum Blue).
I love this movie!!, I completely disagree with critics reviews of this movie!! I am a 25 yr old married woman mother of 2 and I love it and I watch it every week!! It kept with the whole plot of Mia growing up to become a woman not a teenager anymore(people do have to grow up you know you cant make a 2nd movie and have her still a teenager) and finding true love and making sacrifices in life for her country! My mother even enjoys watching both princess diaries with me and my children. I really do hope that they get everyone back for one last big movie finale of the royal wedding and that it is just as great as the first 2 are! I give this movie a 10 out of 10 because its a wonderful movie that makes you just feel like a little girl again that there is a prince charming out there!
Amazing, A great film for both children and teens. Anne Hathaway plays her part as Mia Thermopolis excellently and no other actress could fulfil the role as well as she did! Lots of jokes and laughter add to the film to make it a 10/10 viewing. Hoping that there will be a third. Currently reading the books. In my opinion they are not as good as the film, but still worth a read. Hoping they will make a third. If they do, i hope they will stick to the original actresses and actors as they could not be replaced easily. Fingers crossed there will be a third and maybe even fourth film sooner rather than later. I would recommend the film to anyone wanting to have a good laugh and watch a feel-good film.
Cruzará el charco nuevamente y durante la primavera se realizarán algunos conciertos de Manolo García en México. Con presentaciones en Ciudad de México, Monterrey, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas y Guadalajara. Esperemos en pocos días poder confirmar cuando serán y donde poder conseguir las entradas. Noticia confirmada en la hoja de Manolo García.
Manolo García realizará próximamente una segunda parte de la gira Saldremos a la lluvia. Esta serie de conciertos se caracterizará por ser una gira de teatros, donde tanto el artista como el público puedan disfrutar de la mutua cercanía. Desde principios de mayo y hasta mediados de verano, el artista catalán realizará esta segunda parte de gira con la intención de recalar en todas las provincias españolas en las que el pasado año no pudo actuar. Bajo el título Saldremos a la lluvia, segunda parte, esta gira llevará a Manolo García a Oviedo, Logroño, Badajoz, Pontevedra, Orense, Lugo, Teruel, Toledo, Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca, San Lúcar de Barrameda, Tarragona, Huelva, Huesca, Sta. Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Vitoria y muchas otras ciudades hasta un total aproximado de treinta conciertos. También en esta próxima primavera, Manolo García ofrecerá en México una gira de presentación de su último trabajo con actuaciones en Zacatecas, Monterrey, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara y Ciudad de México. El álbum Saldremos a la lluvia sobrepasa ya el Doble Platino y ha permanecido varias semanas consecutivas en el nº1 de la lista de los álbumes más vendidos en España. Ha conseguido también el primer puesto en las listas de radio y de ventas digitales de álbumes en iTunes. Noticia confirmada en la pagina de Manolo Garcia.
Cynthia Klitbo anunció que el domingo 15 de marzo sale a la venta en México la revista de caballeros para la que posó desnuda, de lo cual mencionó: "Va a ser un escandalazo ¡porque se ve todo!...". Download (Recuerda adquirirlo en tu tienda favorita)
Video el cual me atrevo a decir que todo esta arreglado y es un fake total el cual tiene poca credibilidad, en el cual según no hay nada arreglado ni convenido solo se ofrece dinero a mujeres mayores de edad, para según filmar una película porno; y efectivamente aparece una parte filmada fuera del metro ermita, aquí en el defectuosos. Video totalmente en español “chilango”.
Parte del atractivo de las rubias reside en la delicadeza de su pelo. La excepcional ligereza de los mechones rubios los hace más suaves al tacto y, por lo tanto, más sensuales en los momentos de contacto personal íntimo. Entre los dedos que acarician, o contra la mejilla masculina, la suavidad del cabello recuerda la suavidad de la redondeada carne femenina. Así que en ese sentido se puede decir que las rubias son más femeninas que las pelirrojas o las morenas. Y hay otra ventaja: ser rubia da una imagen más infantil que ser morena, lo cual aumenta el atractivo sexual al trasmitir señales de “cuida de mi”. La razón por la que lo rubio sugiere juventud.
Si deseas colocar este video en tu sitio, solo colca esto:
The lowdown: Anne Hathaway gives a bravura performance as Kym, a young woman who leaves rehab to take part in her sister's wedding. The dysfunctional family dynamics and Kym's attempts to deal with them are the best part of this film, for which Hathaway scored an Oscar nomination for best actress.
On the tomatometer, the movie received an 87% positive rating from critics. Claudia Puig of USA Today sang the praises of Hathaway, and wrote: " 'Rachel Getting Married' is at its best in scenes featuring Hathaway's mercurial character. It's a triumphant and darkly nuanced role for her and a departure from the more lighthearted comedic performances she has given."
The lowdown: Anne Hathaway gives a bravura performance as Kym, a young woman who leaves rehab to take part in her sister's wedding. The dysfunctional family dynamics and Kym's attempts to deal with them are the best part of this film, for which Hathaway scored an Oscar nomination for best actress.
On the tomatometer, the movie received an 87% positive rating from critics. Claudia Puig of USA Today sang the praises of Hathaway, and wrote: " 'Rachel Getting Married' is at its best in scenes featuring Hathaway's mercurial character. It's a triumphant and darkly nuanced role for her and a departure from the more lighthearted comedic performances she has given."
Officially, Anne Hathaway is the next Julia Roberts. This is after initially she starring in a series of light hearted romantic comedies, Anne Hathaway has metamorphised into a talented A list Hollywood bigwig.
Anne Hathaway starred in the magnificent 'Rachel Getting Married' In 2008. This is a role that got Hathaway an Oscar Nominations. Although Hathaway didn't win the Oscar, Hathaway's role is widely regarded much superior to Kate Winslet's in 'The Reader'.
Not only did Anne latch on to an Oscar nomination, Anne Hathaway even doled up a box office blockbuster 'Get Smart', along with Steve Carell, where Anne played a super se*xy super spy.
Officially, Anne Hathaway is the next Julia Roberts. This is after initially she starring in a series of light hearted romantic comedies, Anne Hathaway has metamorphised into a talented A list Hollywood bigwig.
Anne Hathaway starred in the magnificent 'Rachel Getting Married' In 2008. This is a role that got Hathaway an Oscar Nominations. Although Hathaway didn't win the Oscar, Hathaway's role is widely regarded much superior to Kate Winslet's in 'The Reader'.
Not only did Anne latch on to an Oscar nomination, Anne Hathaway even doled up a box office blockbuster 'Get Smart', along with Steve Carell, where Anne played a super se*xy super spy.